Wednesday 22 April 2009

A hive of activity

Just a quick is Teal's 3rd birthday. I know I say this every birthday but it's really hard to believe 3 years have gone by already! She's a super little dog and I'm so glad I found her :)

wasn't she just the cutest puppy??

I've been struggling for a while trying to get her to do a decent turn off the flyball box. She does a lovely fast four footed turn off the chute but as soon as you move her to the box she reverts back to sort of tentatively touching the bottom and turning on the ground in front of the box instead.

So after chatting with Katie and watching a video of her box training Jet with an angled slant board in front of the box I thought I'd give it a go. We did a few reps on Monday and again this evening and...By Jove...I think she's got it!

Thanks Katie :)

Have quite a lot of work to do with all the dogs as the flyball season gets underway. Faith has come off her litter VERY unfit so I'm trying to get condition on them all. Teal isn't too bad as she's been agility training quite a bit over winter and Drake never loses any condition...he's permanently like a coiled spring! I've started off doing quite a bit of brisk lead walking on the roads, during lunch at work and in the evenings at home. I started with Mac, Dottie, Lexie and Faith but have dropped Mac as he needs reminding to walk to heel every 3 seconds and I'm aching from head to foot having to keep checking him! We're doing about 5 miles a day at a brisk pace so that the dogs keep to a steady trot so hopefully I'll be getting fitter too! lol

The lighter sunny evenings are sooo nice...the pups get to play out for hours and I get to spend lots of time out training with all the dogs so I hope they continue!


Katie said...

Wow she's looking fab!

Happy Birthday Teal, I say that every time with Jet took "I cannot believe she's Xyears already!!!"


Kerena and Jordan and The Cocker Circus said...

Happy birthday to Teal from Magic and his family who think she's wonderful.