Thursday 21 May 2009

1 more sleep...eeeek!!!!

Just a very quick post because I've got the day off to get sorted for the 'big trip', packing , washing, cleaning etc....

But the divisions have now been published for the European Championships...

EFC 2009 Divisions

We are running in divs 2 and 6 and I am judging division 3 (better read that rule book again!! lol)...can't wait!!! :)

Oh...and did I mention...I've organised an eye testing clinic down at Riverbank with Stuart tomorrow...29 dogs to get through...standard eye tests and gonioscopy...before we can leave for I mad??!!! (no need to answer that question lol)


yettontop said...

Go out there and sock it to 'em Nat!!

Dave said...

Love the pictures on your site..lets hear more about your dock diving experiences, sounds great!